Monday, February 18, 2019

Two Spades...

It snowed quite a bit last night and we woke up to several inches of light fluff.

 It stayed in the low 20s all day.

 After chores I did a little work on my computer and around noon I drove down to the Village to have lunch and play bridge with Bobby, Lorna and Terry (who was subbing for Hanny.....who is in Florida escaping this weather).
 We had soup and salad for lunch.
 And homemade cupcakes for dessert.
 Bobby and I were partners and we got skunked.
After 7 hands we did not have one point.
 Fortunately, things improved later on, but we were still the losers.
 The sun was brilliant on the way home.

 I did not get here until 4:30.

 Gary wanted eggs for dinner and I had
 a salad and leftover pizza I had put in the freezer.
It's time to do nothing and get Gary to build us a fire.

Night all.


  1. Your snow is pretty! I know you wouldn't call it that! :-) Winter Storm for us coming on Weds - snow, sleet, rain, so it'll be pretty for about an hour. If that long.

    Stay warm, and enjoy your Tuesday!

  2. I hope this next round of our weather misses you. We are getting quite the big piles of snow. I'm wondering where the next snow fall will be able to go! As always, things will be okay.
    It was 5 below while doing chores this morning with a promise of a warm up today and sunshine.
    Then then next storm.
    Looks like everyone is comfortable!


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