Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Finally, Out of the Barn...

 It was pretty crispy this morning, but so nice to get back to normal.
 Rebel and the girls would not have been happy if they had to 
spend one more day in their stalls.

 Class at 10:30.

 Before my students arrived, I made chicken salad and started 
a pot of chicken soup.  The house smelled devine.

 Gary had it for dinner and I was off to a Town Board meeting.
 On my way to Brockport, the sun was starting to set.

 Tonight the board was presented with a check for $148,000 to go
along with a grant we received for the construction of a splash pad
in our Town Park.  The donor has given many thousands of dollars
to two other projects as well.  Even tho he lives out of state, he
has given back to our community in a very big way.
 It was presented by past Supervisor, Buddy Lester,
on behalf of the Sweden Foundation.
 When that meeting was over, Supervisor Johnson and I went over
to the Middle School for another meeting presented by the
Canal Corporation regarding work that has been done along the Canal.
 Kudos to the presenters for being so diplomatic and informative.
They were willing to answer every question and made themselves
available for individual appointments to respond to questions and concerns.
I finally got home about 9 and need to get out by the fire.
Night all.


  1. The fire looks so welcoming. We almost had to light ours yesterday morning.

  2. The splash pad is so much fun, I've been to one with the grand kids. They loved it!


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