Wednesday, January 23, 2019

We're Havin' A Heat Wave....

40s...a little rain...and melting.

 Our group (She Sings) got together today as we are still trying to learn 
our music.  I learn a lot listening to our third rate recordings made by
my point and shoot camera.

Trying to edit any videos taken with this camera is a real pain.
At least we are improving.
I left home at 12:30 and did not get back here until 5.

A lot of melting had taken place today and pretty soon all will turn to ice.
 Gary had a meeting and then went to Coop's basketball game.
Much too late to make dinner by the time I got here, 
so we went to Fazool's.
We have enough left for another meal.
 Lunch tomorrow.
 I'm ready to get out by the fire.
Night all.


  1. That ice will be awful! Our ice is buried under quite a bit of snow and hopefully we don't have to deal with it for a while. We are headed into the subzero temps....

  2. Dear Lori, I've been away from reading blogs for nearly five weeks, and from your latest posting, I can see that I've missed something big. Maybe you wrote about this earlier than Christmas, but I'm just learning about the "She Sings" group. That's wonderful that you've added that to your list of creative accomplishments. Your life is so rich and full. And I so enjoyed listening to that song. I'd say your group is already good! Peace.


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