Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Sunshine is Good For The Brain!

 I dragged the indoor and decided to mulch the willow leaves.  Pretty weird for December 18th.

 This afternoon Chris Z. and his daughter Kaylie, brought over her new horse "P".
He is a thoroughbred that she adopted last week from a rehoming facility in Framington, NY.  (Race horses)
 She had ridden him once when she decided to take him,
 and tonight was the first time he has been ridden since she brought him home a week ago.  They are going to make quite a team!  Such a sweet boy.
I was very impressed by his behavior, never having been here before.
His coloring is quite like Rebel's.

By the time they left it was pitch black.
Gary is off to a board meeting and I am going to have some tomato soup for dinner!
 Night all.


  1. So sunny it almost looked like a Spring day. Nice horse, he looks like he's going to be fun to ride.

  2. Dear Lori, thanks for showing us the horse-and-rider video. So graceful and elegant.

    And yes, for me, sunshine makes all the difference in how I face and embrace the day! Peace.


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