Wednesday, November 21, 2018


The wind was wild all day long.
Can't imagine how cold it felt.

 It's a good thing the sun came out for part of the day.

 I ran a few errands late morning, and when
I got home, felt like making some applesauce.

 It will be one of the sides for tomorrow.
The table is all set....just have to clean the house after chores tomorrow.

 My friend Sally moved to Florida and gave this chair to our mutual pal, Judy.
Judy gave it to us yesterday as she is getting a new one.
I can sit all the way back and still reach the floor.
That is rare.
Sidney wants to take it over.
 As you can see, Little Wonder is my outside dog and Phoebe prefers snoozing inside.

 I started listening to a new book....finally.  Wonder joined me and the fire was so cozy we both fell asleep.
 At 5, started on dinner.
Roasted white and sweet potatoes...
 and Reuben sandwiches.
 First, I sautéed a small onion and added some sauerkraut.
 Then I made some Russian dressing
and spread it on pumpernickel bread.
 Added Swiss cheese
 and finally, the sauerkraut.

 Put them all in my pannini maker until they were nice and crispy.
 The roasted potatoes turned out just right. 
 Baking them (425) on parchment paper works well.

 A simple and delicious dinner.
I'm not looking forward to the frigid weather we are supposed to have
tomorrow.  Single digits with the wind.  Today I put extra hay bags in the
indoor arena, but my sweet ponies preferred to be out in the elements.
Night all.
Enjoy your families tomorrow and pay it forward for someone....


  1. It all looks wonderful to me, but reality is, it is COLD!!! Yummy meal as always. Fondest greetings to you all at Skoog Farm.

  2. Stay warm....we just had some pretty frigid days and now for some reason it will warm up today...rain and then snow tomorrow! Stay safe!


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