Friday, November 2, 2018

First Friday...

We were spared today.  Not too much spritzing.
But look at the outdoor arena!!!!!

 Gary was going through some files today and found this photo of himself with
Congressman John LaFalce.
 It was taken in the mid 80s when he worked at Monroe Savings Bank.
A great photo of both!!

 Gary got his new iPad today, so we spent part of the afternoon setting that up.
Always a pain.
 At 4pm we headed down to the Tower Fine Arts Building at the college
for First Friday.
 The campus has never been more gorgeous.
 There is a new computerized sign in front of the building that keeps us tuned
in to what is happening in the arts.
Tonight the Rochester Philharmonic Rochester will be performing.
 We went to the main Gallery to view part of the permanent collection
that is owned by the college (2,000 pieces).  A perfect collaboration with First Friday.

The gallery was packed with many familiar faces.

 We were especially pleased to see Mirko and Irma P.
They both were teaching at the college when I arrived in the mid 60s.
He was in the Art Department and she was in Dance.

 We stayed until the bitter end!
This was an outstanding venue for this monthly event.
Nice work Jennifer Hecker!

Night all.


  1. That's not a riding arena that's a pond! Wow, you've really gotten a lot of rain lately. We were drenched yesterday and this morning. But it's starting to clear up now. Great picture of Gary from the past. It's always fun to look at the way we were.

  2. you have a swimming pool! The rain has been relentless over here as well.

  3. Wow! You could set up a pool or outdoor ice rink this winter! Eeeks!


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