Thursday, November 8, 2018

Fine Dining

At least it didn't rain today.

 Gary has moved at least half of the leaves to the garlic garden.
 I ate a few raspberries while I was over there taking photos.
The flavor is so different when they are cold.

 Almost all the leaves are off the trees and it was so windy yesterday
they were blown off the lawn and are up against the paddock fence.

 Tonight (for a change) we went out to dinner instead of eating at home
with Anne, Ron, Brenda and Al.
 We chose the Village Inn in Caledonia and everyone of us
had an outstanding meal.
 Green salad, French Onion Soup
 Cream of Cauliflower soup.
 Caeser Salad.
 Mussels on Pasta,
 Sort of a steak and kidney pie (forgot the name),
 Short Ribs-BBQ with honey,
 and Prime Rib.
 A real feast and so nice to be with good friends.
Full and tired.
Night all.

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