Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Lunch With Judy...

 After chores I mowed the lawn and around the pastures.

 I love the view from the back 40.

 We are still picking tomatoes and these little ones are delicious.
 Gary is totally finished planting over 1400 cloves of garlic
and we still have a few beets left to harvest.
 At noon I was picked up by my friend Judy C., 
who is visiting from Florida for a few days.
We went to the Creekside for lunch.

Our table was overlooking the falls....a beautiful day.

 Gary was still working in the gardens when we got home.
 At 3:30 I had a meeting in Brockport.
I am part of the Outreach Committee, which is part of Town and Gown.
It is such a pleasure to work with people from the College, Village, Town 
and School District on things that involve all of us.
A very positive experience.
Gary has a dinner/Board meeting tonight so I am off duty.

Night all.


  1. Looks like you are very busy! I love those mums are they yours?

  2. Dear Lori, is your friend Linda from the Florida Panhandlel????? If so, did she hurry back home? Was everything all right with her how and family? Peace.


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