Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Thunder, Lightning and Rain All Night

I let the dogs out around 6:50 and the sky was gorgeous.

 By 7:30 I needed an umbrella on my way to the barn. 

 Rebel and the girls did not mind the rain.

 Mid morning I drove down to the Village and checked out the most gorgeous
apartment that is just about finished by two very hard working people/friends (Pam and Greg K.).  I recommended it to a friend and she will be moving in shortly.
Maybe I will be able to share photos one of these's amazing.
 On the way home I stopped at Wegmans and at one, Nancy B. arrived with all her gear and we sang for over two hours.  Doug was supposed to join us on bass, but he only had time to stop in and make sure our equipment was properly set up.
 It got darker

 before the sun came out.

 I picked a few tomatoes

 and started on dinner.
We had leftover pasta and carrots with grilled Italian sausage sandwiches topped with peppers and onions.  The salad made it a meal.
 Gary was kind enough to pick a huge bowl of raspberries...
 which we had for dessert with plain Greek yogurt.

 One of these nights I'm going to have to get in the car and drive
down the road to catch the sunset.

Night all.

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