Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Return of Loki...

 Rebel and the girls sure have a nice venue for breakfast.
The temperature was reasonable this morning and topped out at 81.

 After chores I started mowing the rest of the pastures and did not quite
finish before my class arrived.

 This will probably be the last time if the grass slows down.

 The horses hang out with me while I'm on the mower.

Little Wonder and Phoebe always wait at the door for my students to arrive.

 Tina brought Loki, who has really grown a lot.
 She just got this leash holder that was created in Moscow!
The three pups checked it out.

 We are getting ready for a show that will be opening
at A Different Path Gallery on October 12th.

 By one I was down at the Town Hall for a meeting regarding our website.
Made a quick stop at Wegies on the way home and ended up making a good dinner.
The other day I bought a couple pork chops at Robb's Farm and Gary
grilled them. Served them with a side of rice/peas and a salad made with
romaine, tangerines, apples, grapes and walnuts.  Delish.
 At 6:45 I headed down to the Village for a Town Board Workshop.
The sky was full of drama.

Home a little after 9, ready to take a break.
Night all.


  1. What a great welcoming committee Little Wonder and Phoebe are! And I marvel (and envy) the talent of the students!

  2. I love the picture of Phoebe by the chair. What a cutie. Great door greeters too. Loki a
    Is adorable. Very nice art work. I’m sure the show will be a huge success.

  3. Honestly, I have to tell you that I don't know where you get your energy and I envy you. I'm originally from a city about twenty mins. outside of NYC. My husband had a work assignment in Rochester, NY years ago. Now I'm in Maine but still love New York. Reading your blog just makes me feel at home. Thanks for sharing.


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