Monday, September 24, 2018

The Adventures of Helen, Judy and Me....

After chores I took a shower and by 10 Helen and I were down at the Farmers Museum
for a wrap up meeting regarding the Harvest Festival.  It was very productive.
(Had to be boring for Helen)

Around 11:45 we picked up Judy P. and figured out where we wanted to go for lunch 
that was near Lake Ontario.  We settled on the Black North Inn.
Judy had a cup of Lobster Bisque and crabcakes.
Nice, ladylike portions.

Helen and I had burgers and fries!

A royal pig out!  

The wind was blowing hard and the lake was wild.
After eating, we walked out to the shore.

Our next stop was at the Bott's estate...
and Topper was home.

They just had a gigantic retaining wall constructed to protect them from flooding.

Behind their property is  very large pond that is the home for swans and
a gazillion turtles.
This heron was there too.

Helen needed a few things from the grocery store, so we stopped at Tops in Hamlin.
The car was filling up!  We had already given her beets, raspberries, rhubarb and
cherry tomatoes.
It's always nice to have a day like this!  
Love having Helen here...we really take advantage of her time and
do so many things.  If we could just get Andrea to join us!
Before I dropped Judy off, we stopped at Apple Creek Farm for
some apple drops (for the horses), and
the most beautiful seedless, sweet grapes.
We are definately going back for more!

Back at the ranch by 3:30, not remotely interested in making supper.
 Of course I did cook for Little Wonder and Phoebe.
They split a scrambled egg, mixed with their kibble.
No complaints there!
Night all.


  1. A nice day with friends. Beautiful spot to live on the lake too.

  2. A lined puffer jacket, was the wind at the lake a little cool? I could have worn one like that here this morning, freezing southerly, and hail with the rain. Grapes, yummy.


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