Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Remembering Mary Anne

 After chores we went to the Newman Center to celebrate the life
of our friend Mary Anne G., followed by a reception at
Springdale Farm.

 It was good to have the opportunity to visit with her family
and friends visiting from New England.

 As predicted, the temperature was outrageous today and so was the humidity.
97 degrees.
A friend who lives 20 miles from here posted the temperature in his
car and it was 101!!!!!

When we got back to the farm it was time to get in front of a fan.
There was a knock on the door late afternoon and these two gentlemen were
here to promote their horse feed.  We must have talked for 45 minutes
and it sounds like they have quality products.  Poulin Grain....I asked if he knew
Larry Poulin, x-Olympic Marathon Driving competitor.  Not related, but he is a customer.  Larry was here many years ago to present a driving clinic in the indoor,
and I also scribed for him at a couple of driving shows in the area.  I had one driving lesson with him (Belgian/Joe) and a riding lesson on Marieke (Berlin's Mom).  Small world.  The other guy had been here many years ago with his father delivering grain, and as a graduate of SUNY Brockport he took many classes from the Creative Writing Prof whose classes I will be attending to present workshops.  So many connections.

 Gary had a meeting tonight and I did not make a regular dinner.
We had a huge lunch after the service and did not need another big meal.
Around 8 I made myself a salad.
Now, I am w a i t i n g for the cool down.
Night all.


  1. I sure hope it cools off for you. Last night it cooled off to the 50's!
    We are still struggling with the recent rainfalls and flooding. Hopefully that does not come your way.

  2. I wish we could mix your temps and our's to come up with a happy medium. I am in the San Francisco area and we haven't seen anything higher than 75 in weeks. I love hearing about connections - our world is amazing! I hope you get some weather relief.


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