Friday, September 28, 2018

Happy Birthday Gary!


 After chores I called Helen to see if she wanted to go to Stutzman's with me and then out to lunch and shopping for whatever she and Andrea needed.
Of course she was game.
I had to take my amp, ukulele and cords to have them checked out.  At home there was a light hum in the cord that connects to my uke.  Ironically, it did not happen at the store.  I found out that dimmer switches can do this, if they are the same circuit where I have plugged in the amp.  Go figure.  I'll just have to put up with it.
 We went out to lunch at Core Life Eatery.
A very interesting experience for many healthy options.
I had a Cob Salad...
 and Helen had a Ceasar Salad.
 Our next stop was Wegmans on the Ridge.
 Some people heard Helen's accent and spoke to her about Scotland.
 Then we went to Wallyworld and picked up a picture frame.
Helen liked the Halloween shirts.
 Finally, back to Glen Darach Farm.
More adventures.
An absolutely beautiful day.  70 degrees, no wind, no humidity.
 On the way home I stopped at Robb Farm to pick up a couple things
and found out that I can still get some hay.  
The ponies loved the two bales I got a couple weeks ago.
Hopefully I can borrow one of Scott's trucks to pick up a small load.

 This afternoon I brought in the hibiscus plants from the porch and moved furniture
around so I could set up my amp and mic in the library.

Ugh!  There was still a slight hum.

Tonight we drove out to the Village Inn in Childs to
celebrate the retirement of our friend, Jim Cummings.
He was the CEO of Oak Orchard....

 and is now enjoying his new routine!
Night all.


  1. Happy Birthday Gary! Looks like it was a nice day.🎂

  2. Dear Lori, I was hoping to see you riding in your new arena! Peace.


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