Friday, September 14, 2018

Alumni Awards & Athletic Hall of Fame Ceremony and Dinner

Are you ready?  This is a long one!
 The mugginess and heat returned today.

 After chores I got cleaned up and went down to the Farmers Museum 

to pick up Susan.  The Harvest Festival is taking place tomorrow and it was our job to go to Wegmans so we could purchase everything we needed.  Like 8 gallons of cider, 5 cases of water, coffee, milk, cups, napkins, 10 dozen donuts and blah, blah, blah.
I borrowed Gary's van so we could fit all of our purchases in one place. 
It was quite a load.
 We spent the rest of the morning getting things organized.
Afterward, I drove over to Robb's to pick up a couple bales of hay and came home with
4 donuts and a package of organic pork chops.
When I was driving home a huge snapping turtle was in the middle of the road, so I stopped to make sure he would not get run over.  Fortunately is was a back road.
 He made it.
A little before 3 I cut off the back pasture as we were getting our first hay delivery and I did not want the horses to get near the truck when we were unloading.
Apparently it was very buggy and they all rolled in the wet outdoor arena.
 Revel's mask was a disaster.

 Since I was soaked from helping unload the hay, I had to take another shower,
and at 5:15 we drove down to the college....

 for the Alumni Awards & Athletic Hall of Fame Ceremony and Dinner.
Gary was receiving an Alumni Award.

 We were given a table of 10 and Gary could invite whoever he wanted.

 As per usual, the college did a fabulous job from beginning to end.
This award was one of the favorites.  
The 1974 Men's Soccer Team became the NCAA Division III National Champions and the majority of the members showed up to accept this honor.
And then it was Gary's turn.

I love the way they set this up.  All the winners were interviewed in advance, responding via video.  The program ran very smoothly and was so interesting. 
Here's what Gary had to say.

All of the people below were recipients who have achieved some 
very impressive accomplishments.

From 40 years on Wall Street, to the Chief quantum software architect in the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab at Google, to Vice President of production operations at ESPN and so much more.
A very special evening!
 Night all.

Love the photo Ariana posted today!
The poster child for Boise State.


  1. Congratulations to your husband, what an honor.
    I can't believe it how busy you are and find the time to post every day.
    Your dinners look yummier:)

  2. Ditto to Sandra's words. What a great event, and yes, yummy food as always. Hope the muggy days cool down soon.

  3. Congratulations to Gary! Such a nice way to honor him.


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