Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Dogs Love Art Class

It was raining when we went out to the barn this morning.
Everything is growing!
It's already time to mow the lawn again.

 The Rochester airport is about 20 minutes from here and we must be lined
up with the runways, as many planes go over our farm.
The horses don't mind.

 Gary planted morning glories along the picket fence by the Studio
and these are the first blossoms.

 Tina brought Loki to class this morning.
 He was a star and we expect him to show up every Tuesday.

 Little Wonder and Phoebe were good hosts
 and Anita loved meeting him.

 Of course it was pouring when it was time for everyone to leave.

 At 4pm I was in Rochester at the Dermatologist's office
for a minor surgery.  It took no time at all, but
it was too late to start on dinner.  I stopped at Mangia Mangia on
the way home and bought stuffed shells and fettuccini alfredo.
We split both dinners and had a whole meal left.  Great salads and
fresh Italian bread.

 Karen was kind enough to put the mats back in Abbe's stall.
They are so darn heavy, not to mention bulky.
I am still looking around for a horse to lease/ride and have 3 leads.
Hopefully something will work out.
 And there's my girl, welcoming me to the barn.
Night all.


  1. I was wondering how Berlin and the other girls are doing. Everything looks beautiful. Love that puppy,so cute. Good luck on your horse search.

  2. It would be nice to have another horse to fill that empty space.Looks mighty wet to me, we just had a light splatter down here.

  3. It is always a struggle after the passing of such a good friend like Abbe. I know you will find the right horse to lease.


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