Sunday, August 26, 2018

Slowing Down Again....

A beautiful morning...not too hot ('til later).
Once again all the horses were put out together and they seemed fine.

 Rebel Knows where to go for hay, water, shade and grass.

 After chores I started dragging the outdoor arena and had to quit as the East end was still too wet.  Instead, I did the indoor.

 I did not do anything exciting until it was time to go down to the Sunday Jam.
First I picked up a basket of peaches before the market closed.
There were only 6 of us today....accoustic.
Roseanne sang this song to me.
You'll have to figure out the ending.

Karen had chore duty and I went out to the barn to make sure all the horses
were fine....and they were.  Every night Rebel stands by his stall, waiting for us to let him in.  Such a sweet boy.

 Don't forget!  Today is National Dog Day.
 I don't think Little Wonder
 or Phoebe had any idea!

 Gary picked a basket of tomatoes today
and will make more sauce tomorrow.
 Neither of us were hungry, so we just had French Toast for dinner.
Night all.


  1. Catching up with the news on the arrival of your new boy, Rebel, who is pretty darn handsome! I'm glad that all has gone well with putting them together, and he just wants to "hang out" in the pasture. I know how I feel putting dogs together for the first time, and I can only imagine how it must be with horses. Maybe it's kind of the same.

    I'd forgotten about it being "National Dog Day." But I think that's what it is every day at my house! :-)

    Have a good week, and stay cool, summer is back for us.

  2. What a bumper crop of tomatoes, and sauce comping up too.Lovely music.


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