Thursday, August 30, 2018

Much Better

 After chores I started mowing the lawn and had to be down at the college by 11.
There was ribbon cutting for Eagle Hall, the new home for over 260 college students.
 It's more like a beautiful hotel than dorm.  Great gathering areas, study rooms, kitchens, laundry facilities....they even have a fire pit!
 Many dignitaries were there and the
College President spoke.  So much has happened since she arrived!

 Back home by 12:30 and after lunch I finished mowing.
Our lawn tractor was not acting normal....spitting and sputtering.
I am abusive, mowing at least 4 acres off and on.
Called a friend who has worked on our equipment before and he
squared it away in no time.  The air filter needed help and a part under the 
hood needs to be replaced.
Rebel and the girls were much happier with the temperature today.

 Just before dinner, Gary actually grabbed my camera and caught
a shot of this critter that was on the house outside the kitchen door!
 Our dinner was compliments of Judy!
An instant replay of last night, since she sent us home with a serious doggy bag.
 Have to clean the house tomorrow.  Brenda, Al, Ann and Ron are coming for dinner.
Night all.


  1. We had so many of those beautiful spiders a few weeks ago in the meadow and next to our outhouse. They are orb weavers and I think they are called Garden Spiders among other names. Very cool aren't they?

  2. Sounds like another busy day. Glad it cooled off. Still hot here yesterday. I felt bad for my grandkids as it was their first day back at school. They said it was miserable. Cooler today. Good you got the mower fixed. Our machines do hard work.


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