Friday, July 20, 2018

Touchdown Tonight...

Ariana (our granddaughter) is on her way as I am working on this post.
She will arrive in Buffalo after midnight to be with our family for a week.
Tomorrow it's all about a baseball tournament that Finn and Coop are playing in.
 Nothing unusual about chores this morning, fortunately it was pretty comfortable
in the barn.

 I did a little watering when everything was set for tonight.
 I want these plants to hang on, as we may have some rain coming up.

 It took me about 40 minutes to mow the weeds out of this pasture.
It has not been brown like this for years.
Slim pickens.
 The only other thing I did was a little shopping at Wegmans.
Actually watched a movie this afternoon.
Leftover sloppy Joes, grilled corn on the cob and a salad.
 Karen is out there doing chores right now.
She brought along Darlene and her Uncle.

 Phoebe, Little Wonder and Seymour were holding a conference a few minutes ago.
 Time to come back in the house.
Night all.


  1. Seymour is so friendly, as are the other two, Those flowers look so pretty, nothing much out in the garden down here apart from some snowdrops.

  2. You are so brown! We are very green here. Almost too much rain for good haying conditions. Now the cooler weather is good for us and the animals, but not so great for the field corn!

  3. Oh Lori, how great that you're expecting Ariana tonight. I'll pop by tomorrow to see how she is. Enjoy your time together. Jo

  4. Having your granddaughter there for a week should be fun! We’re brown here too. Did a little watering this morning too.

  5. I hope that Ariana has safely arrived, and you've had a fun day!

    Lots of rain here, that's predicted all week. I am not complaining!


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