Monday, July 16, 2018

Sweating With The Oldies...

Fortunately, I woke up at 4am and started soaking the beet pulp
and alfalfa pellets for the girls.  And fortunately when I did chores
last night
I cleaned out the water trough and put some water in it.
When it's this dry, we can't fill it quickly or the pump will turn off
and we end up with mud.  Figured I would add more this morning.

Why was this smart?
(I must have been getting some vibes). This morning the power went off a little after 
7am.  That meant no water, no flushing toilets, no fans, no nothing!
Before going out to the barn we closed all the windows to keep it
as cool as possible.

 When I got back in the house I had some granola with the
blueberries (my friend Hanny brought over yesterday) and did nothing.
 I have neglected the outdoor arena, it has been so dry...
  weeds are growing and apparently they are tasty.

 Around 11 the power came back on and I was very relieved.
Made a quick trip down town to get gas, grain and shavings,
then added more water to the trough.  Of course it was all muddy
and I had to dump several buckets before it cleared.
There is talk of rain tonight.  I'll believe it when I feel it.
Rochester got swamped, had very high winds and trees were blown down.
Nothing here....yet.
I managed to make dinner.  Gary grilled some pork and I made zucchini parm (from our garden) and a tomato/cucumber salad with green onions, Greek olives, crumbly
blue cheese, balsamic vinegar and oil.  A real meal.
Now I wish I had a peanut butter cookie.
Time for a shower.
Night all.

I just looked at my counter and am approaching 1 million hits!
Maybe by the end of summer.


  1. No power and no running water,not a good combination.But even so your dinner looked as yummy as always.

  2. Hope everything is ok today and you get some rain. We’re expecting a big storm this afternoon into tonight. For once I hope it holds off until later on. My husband is flying in from Florida late this afternoon. I’d like the storm to wait til he lands safely.

  3. Wow all that dryness, my guess is that you are in a drought situation. I had a farmer once tell me that they feared too much rain more than drought weather.
    We have had good rain and I have been able to keep everyone eating on rotational pastures...keeping fingers crossed.


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