Monday, July 9, 2018

From Buffalo to Albany....On the Erie Canal

A fun Day!
 This morning I was greeted by Berlin when I went out to do chores.

I had to hurry so I could shower and get down to the Canal by 8:45.
For the past 20 years at this time of year, hundreds of bike riders pass through Brockport as part of an 8 day ride along the Erie Canal from Buffalo to Albany.
Today there were 760 participants and the average age was 61!
Walk! Bike! Brockport! Action Group and the Brockport Rotary Club were
there to provide water and a break to those who wanted it.  There were riders from all over the US, some from Canada and a couple from Australia!
 Several of us from the Sunday Jam Group volunteered to play music 
for a couple hours.

 There were two things I loved about this event.
1.  several people stopped to sing with us....

and 2.  
The Village offered all the riders the opportunity to write a postcard, which would be sent on their behalf from our post office.  Both postcards were scenes from Billboards painted by two local artists.  Such an outstanding way to promote our community!
I got home a little before noon, just in time to go out to lunch with my friend Barb P.
She boarded her gorgeous horse here until she was able to build her own barn.
We get together every year at this time to go out to lunch.

When we left the restaurant the Main Street bridge was going up to let a boat pass through.  Main Street was backed up for blocks, but there is something about this process that is a pleasure to watch.
Finn had a game tonight, so we went down to watch him.

They played the top travel team in their division and were not able to squeak out a win.
When we got home I let the dogs out and watered some of the Lillies in front of
the indoor.  Our lawn is now crunchy brown and people's wells 
are starting to have problems.

It's starting to cool off and the windows are now open.
Night all.


  1. Looks like a fun day with lots to do!

  2. I take it that it is getting very dry there? I did water my garden for the first time this year here. We haven't had rain in several days but we needed a dry spell for the farmer's to get their hay in!


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