Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Be More, Seymour....

What a gorgeous day.
Actually slept with the windows open last night.

 It was so cool I even felt like picking the pasture.
 The girls were on high alert when they saw me on the hill behind the barn.

 Isn't that brown grass pathetic?

 We finally had a day that was nice enough to ride.
Karen and Angel were out there before evening chores.
 I went over to the Seymour Library as they were having a musical event as
well as a couple of food trucks.

 Mary was there for a Library Board meeting so I 
grabbed a couple of photos before it started.

 I ended up staying for most of the meeting.
We have such a beautiful Library!

 Home after 8 and Gary arrived around 9 (Oak Orchard Board meeting).
 Night all.

1 comment:

  1. It has been nice here for a few days. I've kept the ac off and have enjoyed being outside working in between running errands!


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