Friday, July 13, 2018

Another Opening

A cool morning and 91 degrees this afternoon.

We have kept the veggie gardens going by watering regularly
and they are hanging on.

 I picked our first zucchinis and need to pay attention so they don't get too big.
Late afternoon the horses were running around.  An action shot is always good.

 Is your grass as brown as this?

This evening we went down to Java Junction as our friend Roseanne M. was having
an Art Opening.  I believe it will be up for the next 6 weeks.

Roseanne brought her guitar along and we spent the last 45 minutes singing.
Such a good time.  I would be happy to sing every day.

Afterward, several of us went out for a quick bite
and got home before sunset.  By then the temperature was 10 degrees cooler.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. We definitely could use some rain too. Rode Rosie this morning and it was like a dust storm in the arena. Singing is always a good way to celebrate being with friends and having fun!


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