Monday, June 25, 2018

The Tower Clock

Ooooooo La Laaaaaa!
Perfect weather.  Low 70s, no humidity.

 It's swan song time for this rose....tomorrow it won't look like this.

 Gary spent much of the day working in the gardens.
The veggies are doing well and the flower gardens are almost together.

 Late afternoon there was a Re-Dedication of Brockport's Tower Clock
and the ceremony was held in Sagawa Park.
 Over $25,000 was raised to get it running again.  Several years ago it stopped ticking.

 The turnout was great...
 and Jimmy Z's provided ice cream for everyone.

 Is Brockport a unique community?
It seems that a lot of old traditions are still important, respected and appreciated.
 Just before 5 the clock was started and on the hour we heard those familiar chimes.

On the way home I stopped at Country Max for some grain and hay cubes.
The blue hydrangeas were gorgeous.

 That's it for now!
Night all.


  1. Be careful, our weekend weather is going to be miserable. However, I am prepared for it. All critters are moved to woods pastures and lots and lots of cool water is available!
    I think I'll go sit in the creek Friday and enjoy the cold water!
    It is nearly always about 10 to 15 degrees cooler there.

  2. Dear Lori, our next election is in early July. My sister-in-law picks me up so I can vote. The 2018 November election is so important. I hope that many people who don't vote on the off-years or at all somehow--through neighbors and TV and the newspapers and word-of-mouth, realize just how important voting is this year. Peace.


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