Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Green Hornet Rides Again....

Another gorgeous day!  Now we need some rain.

 Our two old barns are so classic, they are worth every penny 
we have spent on roof repairs.

 Class today.
 Little Wonder and Phoebe seem to know when it is Tuesday
 and can't wait to go out to the Studio.

 Tina and LuAnne left with bags of spinach as it is growing like crazy.

 Another hibiscus blossom appeared this morning, with more buds waiting.

 I had a Town Board meeting at 5 and put together leftover pasta
and a fresh salad for dinner when I got home.
 Jenny and Scott arrived a little after 7, as they needed some spinach.
It's extra tender this year and so delicious.
They drove up in The Green Hornet.

 After the spinach was picked I was taken for a ride around the block.
 It sure reminded me of a gazillion years ago when I had an Austin Healy 3000.
Those were the days.

I attempted to get a few shots of the sunset in the rearview mirror.

 Finally got a good one when we headed west.
Night all.


  1. I love your barns! They are historical and classical looking. Love the green hornet too!


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