Saturday, June 23, 2018

Joe Morelle!

Yes!  We had rain last night and a little spritz today.

 I had to hustle through chores as Jenny was picking me up 
at 8:45 and I needed to fit in a shower.
We drove into Workers United for a Rally being held in support of Joe Morelle,
who is running for Congress in the 25th District.  It is the seat that was
held by our good friend Louise Slaughter, who passed away suddenly
 several months ago.  Joe will have big shoes to fill, but he can do it!

 I got a kick out of these two posters.

 A good crowd had gathered and 
the first person we heard from was Adam Bello, our County Clerk.
Then Dave Young, head of Rochester Building Trades spoke,

 followed by Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren,
who got everyone revved up!

 Of course Joe had a lot to say and much of it was about family
and the kind of future our kids should have.  It's time for some
action in Washington and he is ready for the challenge.
 Last week he stepped down from the State Assembly 
where he was the Majority Leader.  I watched his final speech and what was
said by members from both sides of the aisle.  Very emotional and I was very 
impressed by the respect they all had for him.
 His experience there is going to take him a long way and I
cannot say enough about the civility and respect he demonstrates.

Please vote in the Primary on June 26th - 12-9pm

Yesterday Gary and Karen were keeping tabs on a humming bird that had a nest
near the Hosta garden and today she showed up with this feeder.
So far, visitors have not been seen.
 After Jenny dropped me off she picked more spinach.
We can't keep up with it.
 I had chore duty.  Because of the rain there were a lot of bugs (gnats) around
and the girls were most happy to get tucked in.  They sure do appreciate their masks.

 Of course I did not want to start dinner at 7pm, so we went out!
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to your friend Joe in the election!

    Buggy here too - I wish they made face masks for dogs! :-)! Enjoy your Sunday!


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