Wednesday, June 27, 2018


 It rained last night and spritzed on and off all day.

 The humidity brought out the gnats so the girls needed to wear their masks.

 I had to run a few errands.  First I picked up some shavings, then I went to the bank, filled the car up with gas and got a haircut.
Pat's (her salon is in her home) hostas were huge and gorgeous.
 In the meantime, Gary had picked up Cooper, 
who he hired to do some work at a the farm.
 They moved a lot of wood from the side yard to the shed
 and wheeled the shavings into the barn.

 It's too bad my old girl has a dippy back.  Her coat is shiny,
eyes are clear and her feet are beautiful.  33 and still a sweetheart.

 Not just one, but two blossoms today.

 Tomorrow we are having friends over for dinner so I started getting things ready today.  Set the table.  Made sauce.
We are going to play some music after we eat!

 The temperature is going to be off the charts by Sunday and Abbe needed to be clipped. Karen came up to the farm early as she has big clippers and knows
what she is doing.  Abbe had never been clipped and was a doll.
I had been grooming the heck out of her, but the last
bit of hair would not let go.

I'm not in the mood to make dinner so we will have to see
what we can find.
Night all.

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