Monday, May 28, 2018

Three No Trump

I was out in the yard with the dogs by 6:30 this morning and it
looked like a warm day was ahead.  We checked out the gardens and
I weeded around the spinach.

 The garlic is over three feet tall.

 I love that morning light!  How many times have I said that?

 Our friend Sara C. called and came up for some rhubarb so I pulled out a huge 
basket and planned on taking some to my lunch/bridge date this afternoon.

Another hot one for the girls.

 At 12:30 I headed down to Brockport and had to stop at the Park Avenue bridge
as it was raised to let a couple boats pass through.
People from all around the world have navigated the Erie Canal,
 and we have met so many of them at the Welcome Center.
 Hanny had a birthday a couple of days ago and her house was full of flowers.
 She made us another delicious lunch.

 Today Bobby was my partner and we won by 100 points!
All afternoon we had some very interesting hands.
 Hanny outdid herself with this strawberry rhubarb pie.
 Afterward we drove over to Bobby's new house to take a tour.
She is going to love living there.
 I made a quick stop at Mary's house to check out the floor Adam is installing
in the kitchen.  He is a real trooper and it is going to look great.
Got home after 5 and the Green MG was in the driveway.
 Jenny stopped up for some grasses Gary dug up for her to transplant at her house.
She also took home a big bag of spinach.

 They are having a lot of fun with this little bomb.  Scott has some work to do on it,
but I'm sure he will find a new front bumper and anything else that is needed.
Once again, I enjoyed my vacation day.
Night all.


  1. My mother had an MG Midget when I was a kid. My sister rode in the front with my mom, and I was put in that little back section! She had that car for years!

  2. Another busy day but a lot of fun too!

  3. A real beauty, the car I mean. And your garden, tall garlic, and spring everywhere.

  4. Looks like good times at your place. LOVE that green MG.

  5. my email is


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