Monday, May 21, 2018


I am so tired this is going to be short and sweet.

 After chores I went for a 4 mile bike ride and later spent 
2 1/2 hours mowing the lawn.

On the way home I stopped at a house down the road and had 
a 15 minute chat with Greg A. and his puppy.
 This is me approaching our farm.

 One of Karen's horses is having a  lot of fun pulling over the water trough
and it's half full of water...not to mention heavy.  2nd time in the past week.

 Gary did the hand mowing when he got home from Sara's. 
He has been putting in a lot of hours this month, but it will come to
a halt shortly.
Dinner.  Mashed potatoes, Pork Helen and a carrot/apple/craisin/walnut salad.
Tomorrow will be another busy day.
Night all.

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