Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Get Out The Hose!

 Last night the moon was beautiful.
This morning was not too bad either!
 The temperature was headed for 92 degrees and the girls spent most of the day
in the run-in or the indoor where there was a decent breeze.

 After I put Phoebe and Little Wonder back in the house with the fans,
I went out to mow the big pastures.  75% before lunch, 25% after.
 Looks like a golf course now.

 Late afternoon I went out and sprayed Maggie and Angel with the hose.
I sure wish Abbe and Berlin would like it.

These two would stand there all day.

 After having an instant replay of last nights dinner we went down to the 
High School to watch a concert being presented by the 7th and 8th grade
band and chorus.  This hanging is still in the auditorium.  I retired in 1999
and it was put together before then.  Silk painting.
 This one was mine.  Sankofa!
Cooper  (7th grade) plays the trumpet in the band and I could not be more impressed.
There must be at least 75 or 80 kids and they sounded great!

They were followed by the chorus.
It's so nice to see all these kids interested in music.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful singing and a great band, Those Bearded Iris, what a show when they are in a group like that. My spring bulbs all go in pots tomorrow, potting mix, bulb food, and left to grow unseen until spring.

  2. Oh wow... the heat was terrible and this morning I awakened to 50 degrees! Dang it is cold out!


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