Monday, April 23, 2018

Simply Gorgeous!

I think the nasty weather we had during this month has made
me really appreciate these sunny days.
 The pastures are drying up just in time for the rain coming tomorrow night.

 After chores I started working on the Studio as I hope to have class there tomorrow.

 I had to move things around in order to fit everything in the space.
 We had stored all kinds of stuff there during the winter and it had to be removed.
Chairs, trikes, push lawn mower and much more.
 At 12:10 there was an explosion on my Fitbit as I had already taken 10,000 steps.
And that's without going to the Rec Center.

The girls are absolutely loving the weather conditions.

 I planned on taking my first trike ride of the season, but it never happened.

 Gary spent part of the day in the North garden.
 The garlic is really looking strong...
the rhubarb plants are getting bigger...
the raspberries have really been cut back...
the spinach and strawberries are in.

Finn has 5 baseball games this week as many were rained out.
Tomorrow... a double header.
At 4:30 today they played Brighton and ended up losing by 2 runs.
After we left, Finn got a hit and a run was scored.

We went from there to Jimmy Z's for dinner as he was giving 20% back to the team
if you mentioned Brockport baseball.  The place was packed.
Did you ever have a garbage plate? My debut.
Do you know what this is?
I left at least two pounds of food and was stuffed.
We were home by 7:30...ready for a nap.
Earlier I got a notice on my computer from Fitbit saying I walked over 15,000 steps.
Half an hour ago I was at....
I must say, it's fun to really see my level of activity!
Night all.


  1. A lot of walking on a wonderful day.No wonder everyone was out to enjoy it.

  2. I would bet you hit those numbers more days than not!

  3. We’ve been having some sun too. It’s nice to see things budding and blooming again. The gardens sound like they’re coming along nicely. I’m not surprised you hit all those steps with all you do!

  4. I just love it when the weather changes like this!


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