Friday, April 20, 2018

No Comparison!

We had sunshine all day long and it really was an upper.
Not all that warm, but it sure put me in a good mood!

 When I got up this morning I put my new Fitbit on and by the time I was done with chores I had taken 4,200 steps!
I made myself go down to the Rec Center so I could see what would happen with my traditional workout.  20 minutes/elliptical/20 minutes/bike 10 minutes treadmill.
After that I took a drive through the Town Park and headed back to the farm.
 At 2 Gary and I went down to the Morgan Manning house to celebrate the 
life of our friend, Rudy Aceto.  Many years ago he was one of my students
and a very important part of our community.
 On the way home we stopped at Wegmans, where
they had a huge display of flowers out by the entrance.

 After all the rotten weather we have been having, this day really felt good.

 By late afternoon the sun was beaming through the west windows.
It's been awhile.

 Earlier today I made a pot of sauce and invited Jenny and Scott up for dinner.
Before they got here I hit 10,000 steps.
This is going to be very interesting.

Now we all need a nap.
Night all.


  1. Well staying active certainly helps you in so many good ways! I've considered a fit bit too. Hmmmm.

  2. Good going on the steps! Sunshine makes everything better. Love the flowers it’s nice to see some color after this miserable winter😊🌸


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