Thursday, April 12, 2018

Cooking with Brenda and Al

Well the weatherman said we would hit 60 degrees today and it
did not happen until 6:30pm.  This morning it was cool and grey.

 Here's a look at my chocolate cake batter paddock.
Will it ever dry out????

 This afternoon another blossom arrived.
 North window in the dining room.

 I ran a couple of errands around noon and 
then spent much of my day on my computer.

At 6 we arrived at Brenda and Al's for our monthly dinner with them,
Ron and Ann.
We always start off with some yummy appetizers.  
Those little peppers are my favorites!

 I made coleslaw.

 Brenda made a beautiful beef roast,
 a veggie dish with Brussels sprouts, carrots and cashews,
 mashed potatoes and a pitcher of Au Jus.
 Ann made a chocolate souffle for dessert.
 After dinner we usually have some pretty lively discussions
 and tonight was no exception.
 Tootsie joined us and I could not get a good photo of her when her
eyes did not look weird.

What a great evening!
Night all.


  1. Dinner looked delicious. We’ve got the mud too. Good thing it rained last night to add some more wetness. The herd has been rolling in it too. I’ll take it instead of snow for a change.

  2. We are getting up to two inches of rain in KY, this weekend. Will soon be as soggy as you. The dinner looks so good. Love the appetizers.

  3. Dear Lori, I wish we could have some of your rain. The meteorologists are talking about drought conditions here. Less than 10 inches of snow all winter and no rain yet nor much last autumn. Mostly we are having overcast days, I find the gloom of them entering into my psyche and so I need to give myself a daily talking to about staying positive! Peace.

  4. We had mud, then hail, then a gully washer, lightening, hail, rain, and now we are to get wind and then ice later with snow on Sunday.
    Yep, welcome April!
    I love your meals they look so fantastic!


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