Friday, April 27, 2018

Another Ball Game

We ended up with another beautiful day.

 After chores I went down to the Rec Center to do my thing.
When I got back to the farm I had lunch and finished my latest book.

 Phoebe and Wonder were happy to be outside.

 We had too many bananas so I decided to make a banana cream pie.

 At 4:30 we went to Finns's baseball game.
Tom was in town....2 Grampas watching....

 Finn played a great game.  His last hit was spectacular and after being behind 
we won in the last inning.

 As you can see, we dressed for the weather.
It's so windy at that field.

 We stopped home at 7, fed the dogs, and found a restaurant where 
Gary could get a fish fry.
No more eating out for awhile.

Night all.

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