Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Swan Market

It has been going down to the 20s at night and the mid 30s during the day.
Fortunately, the sun was out for most of the day and you could feel spring in the air.
 The light was good....

 We shoveled the driveway so the sun would melt the snow and spent a little time in the house before getting ready to head out.

 A second hibiscus blossom appeared and there must be at least 4 more buds.

We had a lunch date with Jenny, Gerri and her nephew Ryan
at Swan Market.
 This is the first time we have not had a long wait.
Gary started off with a cup of soup which was being tested by Jenny.
 Usually all the tables are full by 11:30 and you sit with people you know and don't know.
That's one of my favorite things about going here.
Today we were joined by a Mom and her daughter from Victor.
Because this is a German restaurant, many were having beer with lunch.
Jenny ordered this dark.  
 I had the sampler....
 and everyone else ordered Schnitzel, noodles with mushroom gravy and red cabbage.
I'll get that the next time.
 All the sausage is made on site and we always take something home with us.

 We were all very satisfied!

 We talked so much, we did not get out of there until 1:45.

 The sun was still bright when we got home.

 By late afternoon there was a snow squall that lasted for about 20 minutes.
 How do these poor plants survive?

 Eventually I made a salad and we had
the leftover pasta from last night.
 I have actually watched a little of the March Madness.
Two teams that are not too far from here won their games.
St. Bonaventure and Syracuse University (I went there to grad school).
Many people in our community a BIG fans.
Night all.

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