Sunday, March 11, 2018

Teach Your Children Well....

 It's just about boot sucking time in the front paddock.
 After chores Karen groomed Angel and Maggie while Berlin and Abbe watched.
They are due for a serious grooming too.

 Fortunately we had some sunshine and little by little the melting continued.

 At 12:45 I left for our Sunday Jam.
We have so much music I have two books that weigh a LOT.
In addition, my bag holds a tambourine, a stand for my Ukulele, my purse and more.
I store a tuner, capos and extra strings in my silver bag along with my Uke .

Always a good time.  We are currently working on a set list for a May performance.


Fortunately, the light was still gorgeous when I got back to the farm.

 With the time change, we decided to eat dinner before chores.
Leftovers with a fresh salad.
 Good light....

 I really can't stand this muddy paddock.  Don't remember it ever being so bad.

 I do appreciate having the driveway in good shape.

I hope Gary has started a fire.
It's time.
Night all.


  1. I don’t know whether the snow or the mud is worse. I guess I don’t need to worry about mud yet, we’re sched for another Nor’easter tomorrow! Looks like our snow will take a very long time to melt. The Sunday Jam looks like a lot of fun.

  2. We are muddy here in KY. Lots of rain and even snow today. It has to dry out sometime.

  3. Boot sucking muck here during the day and frozen at night. That time of year for those who have maple trees to start tapping the trees.


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