Saturday, February 10, 2018

There's No Business Like Snow Business...

We got a fair amount of snow last night.
 Enough for Gary to get out the snow blower.

 The temperature was reasonable and Little Wonder
 and Phoebe joined me for morning chores... no coats needed.

Tom and Nancy (from my Sunday Jam group) gave me a gift certificate to PF Chang's
back in January and today I invited Judy to help me enjoy it.  Time for a vacation day.
We arrived at Eastview Mall around 12:30 for lunch.

 I forgot to take pictures of Judy's hot and sour soup
as well as our spectacular lettuce wraps.
Finally remembered when the sesame chicken arrived.
We split that and it was delicious.
The only stop we made in the mall was the Apple store.
The place was jumpin'.
 I think it's time to knuckle under and buy a new iMac.
Ooopps!  We did sachet through the William Sonoma store.
 We got back to the farm around three and I barely had time to do much before
getting ready for evening chores.  Earlier in the day it was warm enough to rain, but the temperature dropped steadily and it was snowing again.

 Only Little Wonder stuck with me.

I was hungry for some kind of dessert so I made vanilla pudding, poured it over bananas and topped it with walnuts.

 We had meatloaf, baked potatoes and coleslaw.
 Time for jams, a fire and relaxing.
Last night I watched part of the opening ceremony for the Olympics.
It was beautiful and as I am a drummer, it was especially great.


Now I'm going to plunk myself down in front of the TV.
Night all.


  1. I missed all the opening ceremony, apart for a replay snap of the New Zealand team, with huge criticism of their black outfits. Our teams, in whatever categories, have always had black, maybe the media need to find something to criticise.More snow, we need it down here, SO humid, hot and muggy!!!

  2. So I am sure you are prepared for the freezing rain that is heading your then my direction. Snuggle in and enjoy it for what it is. Hug B (changed my blog address:))

  3. We haven't watched anything Olympic at all, but then I was gone for the weekend. We did however finally have a beautiful snow.
    Looks like your winter is a bit more pleasant than it was last year!


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