Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Red Coats

The dogs were dominating my camera today....

 We ended up having spritzy rain all day and the temperature went up to 38.

 It was the right kind of morning to have French toast for breakfast.
 The Super Bowl did not keep our jam group from meeting today.
 We must have played 6 or 7 new songs.

 I had evening chore duty and the dogs joined me.
 After all were tucked in we left for Jenny's and stopped at Wegmans first.
 Blossoms all over the place.

 Jenny and her friend Geri put on a spectacular feed.
Why didn't I take more pictures?
 We had homemade chicken fingers with blue cheese, guacamole, salad,
buffalo chicken dip, Cesar salad, Philly cheese steak sandwiches, cookies
and Klondike bars.  How's that for a combo?
It's a good thing I did not eat lunch.

We watched the first half of the game and headed home,
ready for a nap.
It looks like Philadelphia is on a roll.  How will this end?
Night all.


  1. It’s pouring out now by us. Had some snow earlier. Still watching the game. Close one.

  2. Super new header photo, looks like it was a very cold day up there.Flowers and food, so good, they each get top marks.

  3. Love the coats! Matching is neat. Back to cold and snow here, just in time for our annual ice hike.


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