Saturday, February 24, 2018


 It was nice to have all that footing in the front paddock when there was ice,
but now it's a mush pit.
Today we were in the 40s and it did not rain, but there were no sun sitings.

 I did leave the farm to go buy a printer that is now functioning.  It is wireless and
I had to jump through some hoops to get it set up.  This new computer is really working out well.  So much faster and the screen makes me feel like I'm at a drive-in movie.

I was given a major load of newspapers this week and spent hours this afternoon shredding.  Enough for 5 bags, which I put in the stalls when it was evening chore time.
 The girl's stalls are beyond fluffy.

 About those leftovers.
Put everything together (from last night's dinner) and popped it in the oven while I was out tucking the girls in.  Perfect timing.
 So delicious.  Yep, there are the bananas.
 Time to get out by the fire.
 Night all.


  1. We’re pretty muddy here too now that all the snow melted. Rained yesterday and today. Yuck. Got a dust bath brushing the dried mud off Blue and Rosie. Enjoy the fire😊

  2. Wireless printers, so great and easy to use.

  3. The mud is terrible here too! I've my doubts that grass will ever grow again in our yard. Hopefully it does! :-)


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