Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Extra Post For Sandra

Sandra, one of my followers, just asked me the age of Sidney.
So, I looked up some old posts and found pictures from the day he arrived at Skoog Farm.
We had already elected to adopt Seymour ( who was dumped in a field with his brothers and sisters next to my friend Barb's house) and when we brought him home, our older cat would not pay any attention to him.  Pam K. had several kittens at her house but was not ready to let them go yet and said we should let Seymour stay with her until Sid (the playmate we  picked out for Seymour) was old enough to be weaned.  Lucky Seymour.  He had all kinds of company.  As you can see, he was a bit older than Sid.

 And here they are today.

 We also have a third cat....Sophie.
Her previous owner had a horse here (along with three barn cats) many years ago and when she moved out of state, did not take her along.  I have no idea about her age, and she has always been hesitant to come in the house.  All three go in an out, but I have to catch her in order for her to join the rest of the menagerie.  She prefers her beds in the basement and house on the back porch.  Sid and Seymour hang out in the barns part of everyday and Seymour spends most nights with her. 
Hope that answers your question Sandra.
My regular post for today will go up in a few hours.


  1. O thank you, so sweet of you. I remember reading about them as I am partial to cats. They are the same age as my Mika. My oldest cat will be 17 in a month.

  2. Wonderful stories, I loved reading about your cats! We have a wandering cat, we just call her Cat.


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