Sunday, January 28, 2018


One more beautiful start to the day.

 Short grass and an icy pond...happy ponies.

 My favorite shot of the day.
 At 12:30 I arrived at the Vet's Club for our Sunday Jam.
The Lions Club was having a food drive and we were there to provide some tunes
while people enjoyed free chili, corn bread, hot chocolate, cookies and brownies.

 There were 14 of us and the way we were spread out made the sound a little off...
but we had a great time.

 I was home by 4 and the weather was still the 40s.

 I had chore duty.  It's so nice that it stays light longer now.
 It was pretty dark when the pups and I were finished.

 We had a weird dinner tonight.  Chicken/lemon/rice soup from the Souper Bowl,
leftover cauliflower casserole, and an apple.
Time to turn on the Grammys.
Night all.

Does anyone recognize one of these people?

How about the two in this picture?


1 comment:

  1. A good day for a really good cause! I can see why that photo is your favorite, it looks like a painting. And, NOT a weird dinner that you had tonight, compared to mine. I'm embarrassed to say what it was, after I made pot pies for my husband and brother.


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