Wednesday, January 10, 2018

46 Degrees...

What a beautiful morning.

 Tomorrow just might be warm enough for the girls to ditch their blankets.
I'm sure they would love to have some good rolling time.

 Gary made his debut at Yoga today and I did my usual at Agape.
 Everything is melting and in a couple days we will be back in the 15-20 range with frigid nights.
That means we could have one huge ice skating rink in the paddocks and everywhere else.

 Gary had a board meeting tonight so I made myself a nice big salad for dinner.

 A clementine will be just right for dessert.
Night all.


  1. We had 7 days straight where the temperature basically didn't go above freezing. We had two days where the highs was 33 and 34, but that doesn't really count. We had two nights in single digits which is a huge deal here (I'm thankful for all of our frost free auto waterers that we now know are really frost free!). We finally went back to normal temps on Sunday. Yesterday, today and tomorrow are all over 60 for the high. I'm certainly appreciating it more than normal!!

    One day I'm coming to your house for dinner. Even your "simple" dinners look wonderful.

  2. Melissa, if you have been tuning in to my Journal, you know that we had wind chills of 25-30 below 0 on and off for days. We had to double blanket the horses and they had very short turnouts. What a shock single digits had to be for you and your horses. I would be honored to have you (and your family) over for dinner. Anytime you are up North would be great. That is how I met Sara Dunham (Kentucky) thecrazysheeplady. She came to the farm for dinner! Have you been to her blog? Outstanding! We have been friends for many years now.

  3. We took our herds blankets off yesterday since it got to 45. They liked getting the itchies out by rolling. That picture of Phoebe is justo cute, love her facial expression. And of course LE is as adorable as ever.

  4. Oh brrr, Lori. Just seeing pictures of snow gives me the shivers! I always love wandering though your farm: that's the closest I'll get to visiting you! I remember meeting you through Lynda's blog. And through you I met Esther and also Sarah. I've just visited the crazysheeplady before popping over to you. Keep warm. Jo


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