Sunday, December 17, 2017

Yep! 7 Degrees This Morning!

Only the Wonder Dog was able to handle the cold.

He is one tough cookie.

 It was time for oatmeal when I got back in the house.
 Here is the hibiscus blossom that faded last week....
 two more are getting ready to pop.  Let's see if they are
as beautiful as the first.

 Below , the pups had a message for me...."where are the cookies?"
 I highlighted my hair, took a shower and headed down to our 1pm Sunday Jam.
 There were 10 of us.
Always a pleasure.

 We are going to meet here on New Years Eve for some music and a pot luck.
It will be a very mellow and good time.
On the way home I stopped at a new restaurant and picked up some 
southern cooking for dinner.  Southern fried chicken, potato salad and baked beans with a side
of cornbread.  I think it is called Soul or something like that, and they have been
so busy they can hardly keep up.  I wish them well!
 I had evening chore duty.
 Both dogs went with me....naked.

Night all.
Speaking of music....if you have time, please listen to the post below this one.
I think you will love it....


  1. LOL...Morris won't wear a jacket. I've tried and it has failed utterly and miserably. However he just spends time outside and heads back to the house when he is cold. When the weather gets below zero this week I'm sure he won't walk with me at all.
    We are planning on a New Years Eve night hike this year.


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