Thursday, December 14, 2017

Whoa! 3 Degrees With the Windchill


 Same old same old.  Little Wonder stayed out with me...

 I did a lot of shoveling today and declined going to Agape, even tho I could not go Wednesday.
Too busy.
When I got back in the house I decided to make a batch of croutons and took it easy.
Until we got the fire going, I could not get warm.
 Madam Queen lounged in the kitchen.

 I was very happy that the sun came out for much of the day.
 This afternoon we started working with a new farrier so I was out in the barn at 3.
 Both girls were very good for Josh and he did a great job with them.

 Karen and her horses were on deck next and I went back in by the fire.

 Gary had an appointment with his Doctor this afternoon and got a good report in spite of all the activity he has been up to.
When he got home, he iced his knee and took a nap with Little Wonder.
 Phoebe participated....
 Aside from reading, I managed to make a delicious dinner.
BBQued boneless ribs with caramelized onions and carrots , baked potatoes and coleslaw.
Night all.
Jam time.


  1. So winter has arrived in full glorious white, not even black or technicolour. No wonder the doggies and all others were happy to be inside,.

  2. Way too cold and snowed again too. Phoebe has the right idea!

  3. I do like winter and don't mind the cold so much ... yet. However shoveling snow endlessly doesn't sound like a good time. My hubby has a skid steer to remove snow and I am so thankful for that! Looks like you had a wonderful day.


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