Saturday, December 23, 2017

White Out.....

Hibiscus #3 was still alive and well this morning, but her colors don't like the flash...

 Last night we had snow, then rain, then freezing rain, then about 5 inches of snow.
This morning our steps were like frozen marbles and so dangerous!
Several years ago Gary and I were given Traks, to put on our boots, and this was the
perfect day to try them out.  I'm sold and will leave them on for the winter.

 Of course the girls loved being out in the rain.
 Little Wonder was not all that happy and you know who was in the house.
 Around 11:15 my friend Jean C. stopped over so we could go out to lunch.
She lives in St. Charles, Mo. and whenever she comes to town to visit her family
we try to get together.
She brought along a couple jars of her homemade jam.  Lucky us!
 So many good things are made from her gardens!!!!
 When we headed down to Brockport, the weather was getting crazy.  Lots of snow and
an amazing amount of traffic.
 We enjoyed a nice long lunch and were the only women in the joint (Barber's).
All men hanging out....some of the usual suspects (like Mark and Duane).

 When we got back to the farm I let the pups outside and they were covered with
snow within 10 seconds.  It was really coming down.

 At 2:30 I drove over to Carina's to pick up 14 loaves of bread I ordered.
We are having 32 people to dinner tomorrow night....a tradition we have had
for many, many years.  Most of them do not have family in town for this holiday
so we all get together and have a very casual pot luck dinner at the farm.
Anyway, last year I sent them home with Challah bread and this year they
are getting Artisan (Italian).  As per usual, Carina has done a great job!

 When I left her house we had 4 or 5 inches of snow and the visibility started to improve.
 I felt sorry for the horses and put them in the barn early.
 They just don't get it!
They could go in the indoor, under a 60' shed roof or in two run-ins!
But no!  They prefer to get wet and have snow piled on their blankets.

 Naturally, it stopped snowing half an hour after I put them in.

My two trusty dogs went with me.
 At 5 I went back out to give them their grain and more hay, as they already 
had eaten what was set up for tonight.

 So dark, but finally...very calm.
Gary has a lot of snow blowing to do before tomorrow night
so we can get all the cars parked.

 Little Wonder and Seymour are tough cookies and can handle snow.
 Leftovers for supper....from last night's 
Christmas Eve Eve Eve dinner.  This was my plate...Gary had other things.
Night all.
Tomorrow morning I will have to get this house together.


  1. So much snow but you managed to still get out and do things. Our horses and dogs seem to love the snow. I have tray too. Love them. Have fun tomorrow night!

  2. Good luck tomorrow with the house. It is a wonderful thing for you to have the 32 people for dinner –– now that's what I call the Christmas spirit. Our church potluck is similar –– it is for everyone but in particular those who are unable to cook (or just don't want to), those who are from out of town, those who have no family or friends close by. I'm doing the potatoes, the Brussels sprouts and bringing a deep dish apple pie. I'd like to take this moment to wish you a Merry Christmas!

  3. A Very Happy Christmas to you and all at your home. Snow, maybe a little too much, but a very white Christmas for sure.

  4. We haven't had much snow at all which is sad, I wanted to go sledding, hiking, and riding in it!
    What a great get together you are having!

  5. Have a wonderful Christmas and love your idea of having Christmas Eve guests. Very sweet. Lis

  6. Oh Lori the snow makes it all so beautiful. Merry Christmas to you and Gary and all the animals. Greetings


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