Friday, November 24, 2017

Sunshine and Leftovers....

 A little windy again.

 I watched the Dog Show yesterday afternoon and have decided that at the rate
Little Wonder's coat is growing, it's going to reach the ground like the show Yorkie.
(the gigantic version)
 He is so shiny!

 Naturally, we had turkey sandwiches for lunch
 (lettuce, mayo, turkey and cranberry orange relish for me).
 After we ate, it was time to set up the second room that Gary has finished painting.

 I am loving those windows.
 Doug N. and his Mom came up to remove our manure pile this afternoon.
 It's so nice that they can use it and we can start a fresh pile.
 I think they made 4 trips, and I was following for one of them.
 Fortunately they live near us on the same road.
 I headed down to my friend Hanny's new home as I had not seen it yet!
What a beautiful place!
 There's all kinds of activity behind her back must be better than watching a movie!
A retention pond is on the way.
 By the time I left the sun was going down and I started taking pictures.
 Sara's is all decorated for Christmas and their trees have arrived.

 The Village looked magical.  The twinkie lights in the trees must have come on after dark.

 As for dinner!  Turkey tetrazinni.  A perfect way to use up the gravy.
I added peas and carrots (from our garden) and mixed it all in with some pasta.
So good.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful pictures! I like leftovers better than the first day. LW does have a gorgeous coat.

  2. What beautiful skies and decorations! Wow. We don't do Turkey here but I can appreciate and recall all those wonderful leftovers!


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