Sunday, November 26, 2017

Jimmy Pennywhistle....

 Once again....Little Wonder stuck it out in the barn and Phoebe ended up in her spot on the couch.
 Another great Sunday Jam.

 It was so nice to have Jimmy (Pennywhistle) back!
 His solos are haunting and we have missed him.
I invited Judy over for a birthday dinner and decided to make a rustic apple tart.
 Do you ever put walnuts in a frying pan and add maple syrup?
So good on desserts and salads.

 Gary spent most of the day in room number three and made great progress.
Tomorrow he will attack some cracks in the ceiling.

 I had chore duty this evening.
Grey all day.
It looks so nice without a big manure pile!

 Tucked the girls in and got dinner together.
 Turkey salad (grapes, celery, apples, craisins and mayo)
on a bed of greens topped with candied walnuts and a side of 
cranberry orange relish.
Finished it all off with poppy seed dressing.  
What a great combo.
 The tart was perfect and light.
 After dinner we sat by the fire and Little Wonder kept Judy
 and Gary busy.
 Eventually, he and Phoebe ended up napping.

Night all.


  1. A perfect ending to the day, with a dog or cat or two by your side.

  2. I loved the song you played, Across the Great Divide, and the penny whistle was a beautiful addition. I'm going to suggest playing it at my ukulele group. Thanks!


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