Wednesday, November 8, 2017


It was in the high 20s when I went out to the barn this morning.
A very heavy frost.

 Gary had to reseed one of the areas we are turning into lawn.  The left side has grown like crazy and the right side is very patchy.  Hopefully it will be much easier to manage our gardens next spring/summer/fall.
I made a pot of black beans to take to our monthly dinner
with Brenda, Al, Ann and Ron.  Tomorrow (and maybe Friday) we are having all of our upstairs
windows replaced so it will be crazy around here and I did not want to have to be cooking.
The flavor will be much better....

 Onions, roasted red peppers, grated carrot, 4 diced plum tomatoes, salsa,
salt, pepper and cumin.  I cooked it down and transferred it to a glass bowl.
 The cold really shriveled up anything green.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Frost here today too. We are having some upstairs windows replaced too but they can’t do until the end of the month. Ordered them in August and now it’s getting ridiculous with the time frame. Probably be snowing by th3n and they won’t be able to do it until Spring. Needed them in sooner so I could get the house painted. Now it’s too cold to paint. Ugh!


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