Sunday, November 5, 2017

Gary is Building an Ark

We are specializing in mud and water.

 Could we have a little more rain????

 Another blossom....
 We had a great time at our Sunday Jam.  Dennis is back from his vacation and we made
sure he sang a lot of songs.

At 3 there was a reception at Fazool's for all the volunteers that worked at the 
Welcome Center this past season, so I went over after the jam.  Gar had a few words to say as he is now the building manager, or whatever you want to call it.
 Pizza and wings.  No making dinner tonight....

 It was almost dark at 5, so I hustled to get the girls tucked in for the night.

It's going to take awhile for me to get used this early darkness.
Night all.


  1. The time change is always crazy for me. Was up super early this morning. Oh, a lot done! Hope your rain slows down.

  2. I've no idea what time it is either! But I think your Sunday Jam was perfect for a day like today to lift any rainy-day spirits!

    Rain coming for us on Monday.

  3. I’m getting a little tired of the rain too. The time change is not my friend. It’s dark way too early for me. Looks like a good time was had by all and no cooking is always a plus!


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