Friday, November 10, 2017

Blue Skies...

I had this entire post finished and it disappeared!
So here it is in a nutshell.
Very cold this morning and the snow was not about to go anywhere.
The pups had to wear jackets and will get new ones tomorrow.
Susan and I went to an open house at the Lodge on the Canal.  Lifetime Assistance has been there for over a month now, and most of the Seniors have transitioned up to the Rec Center.
We were give beautiful water bottles.
Stopped at Hanny's estate sale and did not buy anything.  Her house is now on the market.
Home, took it easy and made dinner.  Yum.
Time for jams and a fire.
Night all.


  1. Oh Lori, I had no idea you had snow - Burrrrrr!!! - We're having our coldest night tonight, but no snow in the forecast. Stay warm. Your comfort-meal and a warming fire is a perfect way to end a day! Take care, stay warm and I hope the snow melts quickly.

  2. Blue, white, pink, and more colours in your day, but the white takes the cake.This is because we don't get snow where we live, well it did fall in 2011, lasted for ONE day, so for me it is magical.


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