Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Another Great Panel Discussion at SUNY Brockport

Another beautiful sunrise.
The temperature steadily dropped all day long.
 Gary left early for yoga, so both dogs stayed in the barn with me this morning.

 I'm so glad we mowed the lawn's looking pristine.

 By 8:45 I was down at the college as this was the day for another one of our panel discussions.
Many of you already know about this.
 A friend, Pam Haibach, teaches a class called "Physical Activity in Adulthood"
and I have been organizing groups of "seniors" to join me for this excellent experience.
 I can't remember how many times we have done this...maybe 7 or 8.
 We start out introducing ourselves.
 Today, our age range was from 58 to 84.  I think the students are very surprised
at how active we are...not only physically, but as seniors with many interests who participate
in our communities on all levels.
 After that, the students have the opportunity to ask us questions.
Here's an example.
"What would you say you know now about living a happy and successful life?  What advice do you have for us (the class) to live long healthy lives."
All eight of us had something different to say and I think the students were given
some great advice.
 Finally, we join the students and are able to get to know more about each other.
 I truly believe that it is a meaningful experience for all of us
 and we always wish we had more time.

 This is Rosie Rich.  The room we meet in (The Eagles Look Out) is dedicated to her husband who passed away 6 years ago.  Ironic that would meet there.
 I was back home before 10:30 and
 after lunch I ran a couple errands and dragged myself to Agape.
Now, it is perfectly clear to me....why it's better to go in the morning.
By the afternoon I just want to take a nap.
 I did not get home until 4 and the sun was doing it's thing in the living room and library.
So mellow.

 About dinner tonight...
I made the best batch of corn chowder....ever.
 First I sauteed 8 diced slices of bacon.
Then added celery, onions and carrots.

 Once everything was soft, I threw in 3 cups of chicken stock, 3 cans of corn, 3 diced potatoes, a couple tablespoons of diced, roasted red peppers, salt, pepper and paprika.
 Brought that to a boil then covered and simmered for about 25 minutes.
Then, I put a couple of cups in the food processor with a heaping tablespoon of flour and
added that mixture to the soup for thickening.  The last thing I added was 1 cup of half and half.
Out of this world!  And so easy.
 Served it with a side of apples, extra sharp cheddar cheese and organic 7 grain bread.
 Try it...guaranteed you will like it.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Yoga is proven to assist many people with maintaining their balance as is Tai Chi which I really love.
    Looks as though you really don't take much 'down' time!


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